“How to be Bolder in your Interiors without the Fear Factor – Step 4 – How to Choose Statement Lighting;

Hello there my bold beauties, did you miss me? Had a week off the blog fest last week as we had some exciting news…my husband, (aka The Workaholic) sold his business which basically now means he thinks he’s my boss (wrong) & has to take over L.B.D (Little Bold Design in case you’re struggling this Monday morning). In all seriousness though, he has a wealth of experience in building renovation, construction & property development & we are going to be working together (read as; he is my new assistant on a strict probationary period) so I'm looking forward to taking on some more heavy duty design & build projects!
Anywho, back to the subject at hand….STATEMENT LIGHTING!
Introducing one or multiple bold lighting fixtures is a relatively easy yet hugely impactful way of completely changing up the entire feel of a room or space & one I would definitely recommend for everyone, no matter where you currently are on your brave & bold journey. If you still can’t bring yourself to click PAY NOW on that leopard print sofa with the magenta fringing or you’re still not dancing to the tune of the piccolo playing pigs wallpaper, then adding a real eye catching, “out there” piece of lighting is an excellent way of saying, I’m not completely neutral, while still acting a little bit Swiss.
In fact, this kind of lighting doesn’t even NEED to be functional in the sense that it can purely be for decorative or wow factor purposes & the other lighting you have in the room provides the practical lighting you need for that space. Lighting plans are an essential part of interior design & there is so much to consider, up lighters, down lighters, dimmer switches, cool or warm, layering, wall lights, lamps & so on but for now, we are just focussing on the power (pun intended) of statement lights.
One way to look at it is to remove the idea of functionality from your brain for a moment – not that difficult on a rainy Monday right? – & let your imagination run wild. A striking light fixture above a kitchen island or dining table will really finish the room, provide a talking point & as I said before can make the plainest of rooms radiant in every sense of the word. The multi-coloured crystal drop chandelier pictured below adds an element of fun & vibrancy to an elegant but somewhat flat monochrome entrance hall. Don’t forget to also think about how natural light can work with statement lighting such as this one – when the mid afternoon sun shines on to the coloured crystal, it causes a dappled, rainbow effect throughout the shadowy corridor and up the stairs which is truly delightful. Similarly, prism & rectangular glass or crystal can produce stunning rainbow reflections on different walls in the room at different points during the day. Who knew lighting could bring so much more than just basic illumination?

As per my usual tips, bigger & bolder is better when it comes to statement lighting – I guess the clue is in the name right? You want it to make a statement, this is not a hushed little whisper. Size matters – doesn’t it always ;) & this really an opportunity to go all out. Oversized Sputnik lights, giant orbs, low hanging urchin style chandeliers, multi-faceted lights that resemble tree branches, complete with glass birds, layers of ostrich feathers & crystal beads – your options are endless. Definitely a place to be bolder & more adventurous. Mixing things up is also possible with statement lighting & can make even more of an impact. Varying colours, sizes & even shapes is a wonderful way of being adventurous & most importantly, unique! Check out this design from the iconic Martyn Bullard, https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/88031367685962025/ obviously on a grand scale but you’ll get the gist!
Statement lights don’t always have to be ceiling lights either, recent years have seen a huge resurgence in statement floor lamps for example, the iconic Palm Tree lamp you can see in the corner of the image below from Rockett St George being one of my firm favourites & such pieces are again, way more than just a means of providing light; they are pieces of stunning furniture, exceptional works of art & incredible design in themselves – adding a different dimension & unique aspect to the space.

Animals are also currently a really popular design for statement lighting; from the utterly fabulous Giraffe Chandelier standing at over 2.5m high from https://courthouseinteriors.com/collections/lighting/products/giraffe-chandelier-xl to the truly magnificent metallic pink Gorilla from Muck N Brass https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/708701230/metallic-pink-life-sized-gorilla-floor?ref=shop_home_active_7&frs=1&crt=1
If you’ve got the space, these additions will really set your home apart & if you haven’t there are so many options on a smaller scale too, monkeys, mice, rabbits & flamingos are all in the table & wall lamp game these days! As I always say, it’s having things like this in your home, whimsical, frivolous, fantastical things that will turn those frowns upside down & quite literally, light up your life!
Another thing I absolutely love about statement lights is how they enable you to amalgamate different styles in one room. In my opinion mixing styles within one space creates a truly unusual overall design & screams individuality, as long as you get it right & that can be tricky. For example, on paper, the ultra modern gold Sputnik lights in the image above would not generally be paired with this classic style of sofa, however, they work. If they were on a solo mission, the effect may look awkward & out of place, but as a pair, they add another layer to the room’s overall appeal.
Saying that, the opposite is also true in that statement lighting can be translated throughout the entire home, through the use of lighting “families” which basically means a specific design is used for all different styles of lights; ceiling, chandelier, wall, sconces, floor & table most usually. Using statement lighting in this way also creates a theme throughout your home, tying your whole property together with beautiful design, just slightly different in each element! Check out the Rose collection by Italian Designer, Danilo De Rossi here https://www.italamp.com/en/prodotto/rose-s1/ A stunning family of wine goblet style lights, I really must invest in these myself as there really couldn’t be a truer reflection of my personality & favourite hobby!
In practical terms, lighting should really always be considered before you have finished decorating as you need to really think about where you want things because pulling cables around through walls & ceilings will create mess & a need to re paint, wallpaper etc – just one of the boring things to keep in mind before you get caught up in the wonderful world of actually choosing your pieces!
So, statement lighting is yet another way you can be bolder with your interiors without the fear factor & if you’re still searching for that lightbulb moment (groan) give me a call as I’d be more than happy to help you give your home the glow up it needs!
Kate x